Do you (wash your hands)

Pilate washing his hands

Do you (wash your hands)

Do you 
wash your hands
in these trying times

of the politricking
not just from those
financially ahead
at the royal feeding trough

there are soothsayers
and clever-dicks and all
those who phone in
incessantly to radio stations
and pen social media epics

Do you 
wash your hands

You who are
Unemployed and Unwashed
(even Poor and Unshaven)
Malnourished and Starving
Unhoused and Landless
and Illiterate too to boot

Do you
wash your hands
of Gender-Based Violence 
and all that goes with it
(is there a Gender Audit)

Are you stocking up
on toilet paper and batteries
and baked beans and the like
perhaps even travelling points

as you daily go
from your dark place
to light

as you daily go
from the ghetto
of your mind
to that of others

Do you
wash your hands
of all of this

and look at yourself

Pilate Washing his Hands

(Picture Credit 1: The Metropolitan Museum of Art) (Picture Credit 2: The Tate Gallery)

About David Kapp

David Kapp is a popular educator and poet living in Cape Town, South Africa.