seven (deadly sins)

seven (deadly sins)

seven countries
restricted singled out

not for
pride avarice lust
anger gluttony envy
or sloth

but for
dark thoughts
about the homeland

but for
under that cloth
on the head

but for
the bearded facade
the flowing robes
of different ideas

but for
that exotic name
rhyming with
other nasties

be it not Noami
Noam Yoko Beyonce
Tiger Usain or Maria(h)

but please
feel free
to visit

as long as
your photo is
an accurate reflection
of the correct view
of life

don’t let us
have to force you
to be free
in our own image

A piece on the USA’s January 2004 (new) air travel restrictions aids and abets this one.


(Photo Credit 1: Elle) (Photo Credit 2: Pinterest)

About David Kapp

David Kapp is a popular educator and poet living in Cape Town, South Africa.